Spring Break!

We had planned to return to Moab for Spring Break. There are plenty of paved paths and easy riding for Zack’s knee recovery. Lots of trails for him to work up to and for me to run on. Good sunshine for Molly to sleep under. Beautiful red rocks on every horizon. But alas. We are home, like the rest of you.

Right after our lower school staff meeting on Friday, I went for a run. Yippee! (and wearing one of my Race178 shirts in honor of my beloved Reno Tahoe Odyssey race that has been canceled for 2020).
Even though we had a snowstorm over the weekend, Friday was a beautiful spring day! complete with phlox on the trail.
Molly joined me on the deck for a little sunshine time – I’m reading Samantha Power’s memoir and she’s incredible.
Instead of games with speech students and friends with aphasia at UNR, we met on zoom and played Jeopardy. 🙂
I woke up Saturday morning and felt like I should probably make chocolate chip cookies right away. The dough and the cookies were both delicious.
Then Zack decided to go for a mountain bike ride where we went last weekend. It’s a great grade for running so off we went. cookies and all!
Saturday was our friend Dave’s birthday so we had a zoom cheers for him.
Since Saturday’s run didn’t feel so awesome, I went first thing on Sunday morning. And it was a gorgeous sunrise!


While I was taking pictures of these cute and very ordinary ducks, a man behind me called Sara in a stern voice. Shocked, I turned around and learned that their little terrier’s name is also Sara.


Saturday night it snowed and it was so pretty!




Tuesday morning, Molly woke up early and paced around the apartment then insistently woke Zack up. He took her out and she really struggled to walk then she didn’t want breakfast. oh no! We really felt like she was on the way out but when I was making lunch, she got herself up, came into the kitchen and begged for some. All better!
Zack’s speech moved to tele-therapy and his first session was Tuesday afternoon. It went well and as you can see, Paddington oversaw the whole operation. He came to kindergarten on Thursday (stuffed animal day) and has been hanging out ever since.
I returned to Zack’s favorite new trail for a longer run this morning.
I followed lots of deer prints for a couple miles then the tracks suddenly disappeared. When I looked up, there they were!


Zack rode past the knob on Sat so I knew that was my goal for today. It was my longest run in a month.




Molly loves her food bin almost as much as she loves the food inside. 😊

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